The three images below were posted on the website this week.

The deer above and below were both killed in the area of Lake Bisteneaux.
The deer below was killed on the weekend of 11/12,13 2011,

by a hunter from Charenton, La. who went to Kentucky for an out of state hunt.
I am getting calls from all over the country for blood tracking dogs, 3 came in last week from Wisconsin, and a couple from Texas,
I do have some started dogs and these pups were born in mid October out of Beauty and Jesse.
I also have another litter out of Rivers and Cutty Dark that were born on November 5, 2011. I will post the pictures in here ASAP.
This is the look I get when I ask Josephine;"Where is the deer?"
Well we are well into gun season in mOST areas, and bow season is in full swing statewide. So it is starting to get busy.
You can call me at 337 298 2630 if you need to hire me for tracking services or to buy a puppy or started dog.