Friday, January 27, 2017

Cookie and Jesse James puppies born 12/8/2016

If you are serious about deer hunting, the 2017 season starts right now with a food plot.

I don't now about you, and where you hunt, but I like to plan ahead.

So with that in mind, here in Lousiana we are having a very mild winter and so right now in the middle of February, is the right time to start planting a variety of springtime forage and keep the bucks well nourished as they grow their horns back and at the same time the does have plenty of highly nutritious browse and good cover while in gestation.

Right now is also a good time to reflect on the 2016/2017 hunting season and learn from our mistakes of the past and be better prepared and hopefully a better hunter next year. One of the things that surprised me the most about my experiences as a professional tracker was that tracking wounded or dead deer for other people with my blood trail dogs is more fun than still hunting deer. It also taught me that the majority of deer hunters not only do not have tracking dogs, but they also do not know how to use or handle them if they do get one.

For instance, always start a dog on a track at the point of first blood. and 'point' the dog in the proper direction to start the track. Yet as a professional tracker, time after time I have had hunters take me to the point of 'last blood' which is the wrong end of a blood trail to 'start' the track!

Here is another for instance, what if the deer below was shot low in the front leg, and was bleeding profusely, but was very mobile. Ordinarily, without a dog, there is no way we can advance the track and keep up with the deer. And as a rule, without a dog, we back off or 'give up' and quit.

But, the rules change with a dog, because when the deer is being tracked with a dog, it cannot slow down, and it could not hide and go lay down and stop the bleeding, and it may very well bleed out and die of cardiac arrest before the dog can get to it if we keep the pressure on it.

If you are wanting a dog for next year, and think you would rather wait and get it later, I can tell you that you need to be trained to handle the dog, and there is an adjustment period that goes with any dog going to a new home, and it is better for you to start teaching the dog obedience now, so none of that interferes with learning 'how to handle the dog' later during hunting season.

Should you buy a puppy or started dog from me, I am available for training and telephone consultation year-round.
Being a professional tracker for several years now has allowed me to witness first hand the dismay of many hunters at the end of the season, who would call me sharing their regrets of shooting and losing so many deer again and again because they are hunting yet another year without a blood tracking dog. Don't you think it is time we change that and get you a dog?

Now, with all of this in mind, I suggest you plan ahead and consider this...

Now is a great time to get a Catahoula puppy or started blood tracking dog so you are ready for the next hunting season in October 2017. I am getting a lot of positive feedback from the deer hunters who took my advise a year ago and bought a puppy or started dog at the 'end' of the hunting season.

Above is future blood tracking dogs with their mother and father below...

Above is the stud, Jesse James, a son of C Arrow Patch(below), and a great-grandson of Bobalou, Ruby, Diamond Cutter and Camp A While's Abbey

Above is Cookie out of Baby Girl, and Cutty Dark

"OK, Houston, we have a problem!"

"Yes, we got the right markings,

and the blue eyes,

and come from a good family with a rich heritage of high performance."

"But, as you can see in this photo above, a very, very, bad, mean, and scary man has put us on top of a high rise dog house 5 feet off the ground." 

"We were going to some neat new places like the skinning shed,

and finding lots of really interesting smelly new things, 

But, back to being up here on this high rise dog house..."

"It doesn't look good!"

 "We are cold, scared, shivering violently and don't know if we will ever get to feel the earth under our feet, or get to see our grandmother, father(below), or brothers, sisters, and mother again! 

Please come to our rescue asap!"


I am Marcus de la Houssaye, above and below(and the very bad man in question),

I am a breeder and trainer of Louisiana Catahoula Curs and operate a blood trail dog training facility in Lafayette, Louisiana, and I can be reached by email: for more info...

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