Saturday, July 15, 2017

Blood Tracking Dogs For Sale 2017

Several old timers and myself have plenty of fine puppies, started dogs, and finished dogs for sale at this time.

Some are registered and some are not. Prices vary and all colors are available.

 I suggest you get a dog with white so you can see them easily at night.

My pups are born and raised on a blood tracking dog facility

I also have some started dogs that are mixed with wolf as you can see below.

Their father is a blood tracking fool and a great pet when it is not hunting season, as you can see Samuel below...

Please bear in mind if you are transporting the dog to anywhere away from south Louisiana where they are born and raised there will be a transition to a new environment and new people, and that takes time.
Contrary to most deer hunter presumptions, your best bet is getting a well bred puppy and raising it yourself.

I can be reached by my email at, and I am Marcus de la Houssaye


One of the crucial element of training and maintaining a blood tracking dog is diet and at my trianing facility my dogs main diet is meat year-round, and especially deer heads, feet, and skins during deer season.

If you are getting a tracking dog for this upcoming season, you might consider keeping the old meat from your freezer or asking your friends to pass it on to you when they clean out their freezer and share it with the dogs.

At any rate, should you buy a dog from me or a puppy, I will always be here for a consultation to help you get it going. Time to think about getting a tracking dog considering we are just a couple of month away from the archery season opening up.

I suggest you get them now while they are cheap because the prices go up when the hunting season kicks in and the demand goes through the roof!

I am Marcus de la Houssaye

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