Thursday, September 7, 2017

Oklahoma Blood Tracking Dogs 2017-2018 Deer Hunting Season

As the trend goes nationwide, I have just been informed that Oklahoma will allow the use of dogs to track wounded and dead deer for the first time in the 2017-2018 deer hunting season.

Above was her first buck with a bow and 5 experienced tracker/deer hunters couldn't locate it and needed to call me in with the tracking dogs to put that smile on her face!

You might imagine I being a breeder of Louisiana Catahoulas, that I would be prejudiced to my particular breed, and I am to a certain degree,

but... I recommend you give your family pet a chance to be a 'deer hunting tracker dog' and take them on a few tracks to see if they are motivated,

 even if they were never intended to be anything but a family pet, you ight be surprized,

because many of our popular modern 'pet breeds' come from great hunting bloodlines, such as the Dachshund.

Photos of Sypris the Dachshund and Robert above and below are courtesy of
Robert Miller of Michigan Blood Tracking Dogs

As of this timeframe, Sypris has found hundreds of lost and wounded deer...

If you are new to tracking dogs and seeking a puppy or started dog, I might recommend the Louisiana Catahoula Cur as a breed for your first deer tracking dog.

And on that note... I am a breeder and trainer of Louisiana Catahoulas and will be glad to drive to Oklahoma to personally deliver your started dog or puppy for the 2017-2018 deer hunting season.

I am Marcus de la Houssaye and I own and operate a blood trail dog training facility in Lafayette, Louisiana.

I can be reached by cell phone @ 337 298 2630 if you are interested in owning a tracking dog.

I start 'em young, and haul 'em everywhere as early as possible...

If you are concerned about performance or the fact you have never trained a hunting dog to track wounded deer,

 I understand your concern and recomend that you get a de la Houssaye's Catahoula puppy now at the beginning of hunting season and let a great family dog, that also happens to be a dog that is 'bred' to hunt and track, train you!

I have always had tracking dogs as long as I have hunted deer, but about 7-8 years ago, I began to market my dogs locally and nationally as an excellent choice for a first time deer tracking breed because my Catahoulas are natural hunters and do not need to be trained to track.

 But, we as deer hunters 'do' need to be trained, and Catahoulas will put you to school! And many of my customers have told me that their Catahoula tracking dogs have not only taught them to track wounded deer, they made them better deer hunters in the long run.

Below is Jesse Girl on her first ever blood tracking 'before' we found the Pecan Island wounded buck in 2013

And in the photo below you can see the scars on her face after that day from fighting with the buck.

Catahoulas when worked 'off leash' will sometimes be running catch dogs should you jump a deer that is wounded and yet highly mobilized, and needs to be stopped so you can finish 'em off.

Catahoulas also make great family pets and and are very child friendly, as you can see with my daughter Christina and her Bobalou below.

If you are new to blood tracking dogs, and want to talk to an expert, you can give me a call @ 337 298 2630 and we can talk and see if what I sell is a fit for you.

I am Marcus de la Houssaye and I would like to talk to you...

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I welcome your comments and success stories, but if you have questions, you should consider giving me a callat 337 298 2630