Monday, October 23, 2017

Blood Trail Dog (actually 6 months old puppy) Finds 3 Deer In 1 Weekend!

About 3 weeks ago, a deer hunter calls me up shopping for a tracking dog and told me the story of how his 12 year old daughter shot an 8 point buck opening weekend and was so frustrated with the outcome that she was considering giving up deer hunting because she was so discouraged after shooting the first deer of the season and being unable to recover her trophy and the meat!

Well her daddy decided to 'fix' that by getting a family pet/tracking dog for the family hunting club.

During the first weekend with the dog out at the camp they didn't 'need' the dog to track, but decided to lay out a man made 'training' track using some fresh blood to see what she would do. And to make a long story short, I get a report a few days later that she had ran a 200 yrd track in less than a minute!

Well the next weekend same dog was needed to help find the deer and in less than 48 hours she had found three, and all in her first weekend of actually helping to find lost and dead deer in the 2017 hunting season. The deer below was recovered late on Friday evening just before dark.

And then Saturday evening in the dark, Coal a 6 months old de la Houssaye's Catahoula ran a 1,000 yrd + track and recovered her second deer of the season in just over 24 hours!

What they did was to put a green light on top of her collar to keep visual track of her, should they let her off leash, they added a bell on the bottom of her collar to keep auditory track of her.

But the most interesting part of the report was how there was very little blood visable after the first 50 yards or so, but Coal would stop and stand over every drop of blood she found 30-50 yrds apart and made sure that they knew she was on it!

Someone even suggested that the tracking dog was leading them on a wild goose chase, but the wife insisted that they press on and follow my advise and: "Trust the dog!!"

Coal was acting like an experienced veteran tracking dog should, but had actually never been through a hunting season as she was born after the 2016 hunting season.

This is what often happens when someone buys a started or finished dog from me that was born, raised, and trained in my blood trail dog training facility. They HUNT for food!

It didn't end there and when bright and early Sunday morning another one of the kids sticks a doe that ran off and could not be tracked visually by humans, Coal was brought in and made short work of finding her 3rd recovery in less than 48 hours.

The family is so pleased with the results of Coal's performance, that they also later got a 6 week old puppy as a back up and team tracker, and... now their 3 kids have a couple of pups to share and play with, and the hunting club has 2 new 'high value VIP members'.

If you are shopping for a puppy, started dog or finished dog, I can be reached by email only...

I am Marcus de la Houssaye and I can also be reached by email:

I do not always answer email right away, and I do not carry my cell phone so I will reply to your email asap. If you have a lot of questions about my dogs and need to talk, I can call to see if your personal needs fits my dogs style of hunting, and I will have plenty of time to answer them.

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