Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sarge Had A Close Call

Attention trackers, we need to start lobbying our legislatures to allow us to carry large caliber sidearms for personal protection. Tracking is a dangerous business.

This buck had a broken front leg. Shot with a crossbow.

Miller Deer Tracking 810 240 4891 Michigan and Ohio

Insane amount of blood for over 400 yards. We found him bedded in a standing cornfield. Sargent actually went past him and as he was looping back I'm fighting my way back through the cornstalks holding his 30' long leash when we jumped him and instead of the buck running away he charged Sargent hitting him in the head. U can see a piece of hair removed from Sarge's forehead.

I started screaming at this spooked the buck. I wasn't prepared for this intense situation because I was fully expecting to find the buck dead. MICHIGAN laws prevent me from dispatching any deer. Only the hunter can. In this case, my client didn't even have his crossbow and my pistol was in my backpack.

 Even if I did dispatch to protect my dog, chances are I'll get charged for poaching!!! The buck runs off and ends up laying down in a river. When we returned he was pretty much lifeless from bleeding out. The artery was cut inside the leg and the other leg was broken.

Using our pets to help hunters is very dangerous and hopefully one day our state changes the laws so it makes it easier to dispatch deer and to protect our family pets.

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