Friday, April 14, 2017

Is It Really Worth It?

As we wind down the 2016/2017 hunting season, there are a lot of lessons learned simply because we have tracking dogs to teach us what we cannot learn, or find or do without them. And if we have blood tracking dogs we will be called upon by others who don't have a tracking dog, to go places and do things that broaden our lifes experiences.

Such as opening weekend in October, a young hunter kills their first deer, and with snakes everywhere, and the gators are still hungry,

we take off in the rain, in a boat full of dogs to make that hunt a sweet ending.

Is what we go through to make someone's special hunt really special worth it?

Winding, shallow, stump and log riddled bayous that most boats cannot go through or swamp men cannot even find because they don't know these places exist...

Well if you notice the little things along the way, I believe it is worth it.

I have not posted many of my tracks this year simply because people are reading about my joy, pleasure, and success and then attacking me or my clients for some reason.

Just to experience the smiles that accompanied the photos below for instance, makes it worth it.

                                        13 year old Boot's first deer

I like to track from the comfort of a saddled ride, because I can see the dogs better from up here...

And I like to track from a boat, because there is a lot of water to the east and the south of where I live, and I grew up hunting and fishing on the water with my father.

And I like to track from the back of a pick up truck too...

I have also had people ask me to not post their name or hunting locations because when I did in the past, they were immediately over run with 'competitive' hunters trying to 'get in' on their honey hole.

And I guess it is just like when you brag about all the fish you caught at Cow Island Lake last weekend...

Now for those of you that are not fisherman this is called Black Crappie, and for those of you that are not Cajun, we call 'em 'sac a lait'. And notice the fish in relation to the mat on the left and the ice chest. These are huge! 

Now some may scream in contempt of me posting(on Facebook) what was caught at the camp on Cow Island last weekend because the last time I did that the lake was OVER RUN the next weekend with fisherman. And there were guns pulled over fishing spots. I am not making this up people!

I am a fisherman

And the point I want to make in regard to the title of this post is 'Is it really worth all the jealousy, disrespect and personal attacks we have to suffer for posting or bragging about our victories?'

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