Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Started and Finished Blood Trail Dogs 2017

I am so happy to see so many people contacting me right now to buy a started or finished blood tracking dog for the 2017-18 deer hunting season.

Just like with the hog dogs, most people want to buy a dog at the last minute and then want them to hit the ground running the next day.

But tracking deer with dogs is like hunting hogs with dogs, it is teamwork, and a dog needs to know that you got his back and often plenty of time to get to know you before they will hunt for you.

And it has been my experience that tracking deer works better with more than one dog, and that is why I ALWAYS train 'em 2 or more at a time!.

Now are there exceptions? Yes there is, but when it comes to Catahoulas they are often a one man, one dog situation, and they will only hunt for their master, and no one else.

Now, given time, and with the right man, the dogs that I breed, train and sell as finished dogs will hunt for you. But if you buy a dog from me, I want you to go into it, knowing that you will need to call me regularly and follow up on the years that I put into the dog before you bought it.

So don't come and pick up a finished dog on Thursday or Friday, and want to blame me or the dog if it won't hunt for you on Saturday or Sunday. I have been doing this for 30 years and I spend a lot of time with my dogs year round.

Above a summer time road kill recovery used on the facility to train nre pups, and below working a hard track after a hard rain ...

Especially in the off season, I am constantly hustling road kill to create natural training scenarios year round and given the right circumstances, my dogs will hunt for you come the autumn season. But you need to with me AND the dog before hand to get elite high performance recovery when we got the blood of an old wise buck on the ground.

And my experience is, the more expensive, experienced and better the dog, that is bought during the hunting season, the more likely that the buyer is going to have way too high and very unrealistic expectations of performance way too soon.

And the best way to avoid that happening is to get the started or finished dog at least 3 to 6 months in advance of when you are gonna need 'em! Like right now, in the heat of summer, and let him get to know you, get acclaimated to your lease and be 'your best friend and family pet' until hunting season. Remember folks, tracking wounded and lost deer is teamwork.

And why wouldn't the deer hunter want to buy it now? Often this is because the deer hunter doesn't want to feed and maintain the dog year round. They only 'want' the dog when they need it. So on that note, I lease my dogs out to hunting clubs and 'private' hunters for short term 'fill in' work during the deer hunting season, and the rest of the year the dogs are with me and their family on the training facility...

So if you are buying a dog that has been with me for a year or two, don't you think you need to give that dog a few weeks or better, a few months to warm up to you and accept you as it's best friend and master before he or she will hunt for you?

I always have plenty of dogs for sale, as I own and operate a Louisiana Catahoula breeding kennel and a blood trail dog/hog dog training facility near Lafayette, Louisiana, and I would like to talk to you.

I am Marcus de la Houssaye @ 337 298 2630 or email catahoula1@gmail.com ...

But please do not send me texts or facebook messages and expect me to answer a bunch of questions.

Please call me or go waste someone elses time playing with electronic messages.

And for the record, I do not have a smart phone yet!

A Blair's Diamond Cutter/Cayenne cross grand daughter

I am old school, and don't have a camera in my old school retro 'flip' cell phone, so don't ask me to 'send' you photos or videos by text either. "If''  you call me and I don't have what you need, I can most likely refer you to someone who does. Some of these old timers got NALC registered dogs that are ready to go on hogs, deer or cattle.

But they are all getting very ornery, old and cranky' like me, and being old school, they don't ship dogs to people that they never met before, nor do they breed and sell to the public or waste time answering questions by text or email.

Let me quote Donald Trump: "Email is for pussies!" ~ Donald Trump summer of 2005...

It is bad enough that I own dogs that are smarter than me, and on that note,

why would I want a phone that is smarter than me?

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I welcome your comments and success stories, but if you have questions, you should consider giving me a callat 337 298 2630